2025 |
161. Gallium incorporation in blue-emitting In1−xGaxP alloy quantum dots facilitated by monomeric gallium precursors
Taewan Kim, Se-Yup Kim, Sooho Lee, Ji-Sang Park, Hyeonjun Lee* and Doh C. Lee*
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers (2025)
160. In vivo synthesis of semiconductor nanoparticles in Azotobacter vinelandii for light-driven ammonia production
Gui-Min Kim, Yoojin Choi, Kyeong Rok Choi, Ilsong Lee, Jayeong Kim, Byunghyun Lee, Sang Yup Lee*, and Doh C. Lee*
Nanoscale, 2025, 17, 3381
159. Penicillamine-induced decomposition of copper sulfide nanocrystals after microbial infection treatment
Ilsong Lee, Gui-Min Kim, Jayeong Kim, Byunghyun Lee, Ji Min Lee, and Doh C. Lee*
Chemical Engineering Journal (2025): 159195.
158. Supercycle Al-Doped ZnMgO Alloys via Atomic Layer Deposition for Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes
Hyo Geun Lee, Yong Woo Kwon, Woon Ho Jung, Hyeonjun Lee, Min Seok Kim, Hyun-Mi Kim, Hyeongkeun Kim, Hae Jin Kim, Doh. C. Lee, Jaehoon Lim*, and Seong-Yong Cho*
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2025)
2024 |
157. Spatial Control of Nickel Vacancies in Colloidal NiMgONanocrystals for Efficient and Stable All-inorganic QuantumDot Light-Emitting Diodes
Woon Ho Jung, Byong Jae Kim, Mahnmin Choi, Hyeonjun Lee, Hyunjin Cho,Yong Woo Kwon, Yeongho Choi, Hyo Geun Lee, Jinha Yoon, Keeyong Lee, Sang Ho Oh,Seong-Yong Cho, Doh C. Lee, Sohee Jeong, and Jaehoon Lim*
Advanced Materials 36.46 (2024): 2410441
156. Selective photocatalytic C-C coupling of benzyl alcohol into hydrobenzoin using Pt-deposited CdS nanosheets passivated with cysteamine
Pan Lu, Gui-Min Kim, Nianfang Wang, Joongjai Panpranot, Whi Dong Kim and Doh C. Lee*
Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 20977
155. Special Issue Editorial: Colloidal Quantum Dots
Dahin Kim, Byeong Guk Jeong, Wan Ki Bae, Doh C. Lee
Korean J. Chem. Eng. (2024) 41:3301–3302
154. Photocatalyst Design Principles for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production and Benzyl Alcohol Oxidation with CdS Nanosheets
Ryun Na Kim, Jihun Kim, Gui-Min Kim, Doh C. Lee, Whi Dong Kim
Korean J. Chem. Eng. (2024) 41:3621–3629
153. Light-Driven Chemical Production with Quantum Dot-Biohybrid System: A Review
Byunghyun Lee, Ilsong Lee, Gui-Min Kim, Jayeong Kim, Joongjai Panpranot, Doh C. Lee*
Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan 57.1 (2024): 2419109
152. Efficient and spectrally stable pure blue light-emitting diodes enabled by phosphonate passivated CsPbBr3 nanoplatelets with conjugated polyelectrolyte-based energy transfer layer
Jinu Park, Hyunjin Cho, Joonyun Kim, Yu-Ching Huang, Nakyung Kim, Seoyeon Park, Yunna Kim, Sukki Lee, Jiyoung Kwon, Doh C. Lee* and Byungha Shin*
EcoMat (2024): e12487
151. Scalable Ammonia Synthesis in Fermentors Using Quantum Dot-Azotobacter vinelandii Hybrids
Jayeong Kim, Byunghyun Lee, Gui-Min Kim, Ilsong Lee, Sang Yup Lee, Kyeong Rok Choi*, and Doh C. Lee*
Korean J. Chem. Eng. (2024) 41:3593–3601
150. Exploring synthesis techniques for an imidazole-based one-component epoxy latent curing agent: Chemical capping and mechano-chemical capsuling
Han Gyeol Jang, Deok Jae Lim, Sohyun An, Jong Hyuk Park, Min Park, Jinwoo Park, Hyungbum Park, Byeong-Su Kim, Doh C. Lee*, Jaewoo Kim*
Chemical Engineering Journal 500 (2024) 157368
149. Advanced Vitrimer with Spiropyran Beads: A Multi-Responsive, Shape Memory, Self-Healing, and Reprocessable Smart Material
Seunghyeon Song, Han Gyeol Jang, Jae Hoon Lee, Yong Chae Jung, Doh C. Lee, Sung-Kon Kim,* Jaewoo Kim,* and Yong-Seok Choi*
Small (2024): 2407022.
148. Controlling the Phase Distribution of Single Bromide Quasi-2-Dimensional Perovskite Crystals via Solvent Engineering for Pure-Blue Light-Emitting Diodes
Seoyeon Park, Joonyun Kim, Gui-Min Kim, Jinu Park, Sooheyong Lee, Doh C. Lee, Nakyung Kim, Byeong-Gwan Cho* and Byungha Shin*
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16(29), 38395-38403.
147. Revealing the Filler–Matrix Interfacial Interactions: Real-Time Observation with Mechano-Responsive Spiropyran Microbeads
Han Gyeol Jang, Jun Young Jo, Unseok Jung, Young Nam Kim, Yong Chae Jung, Hunsu Lee, Doh C. Lee*, and Jaewoo Kim*
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16, 46719-46727 (2024)
146. Field Demonstration of a 10 MW CO2 Capture Pilot Plant in Extended Operation Using KoSol Absorbents for Treating Off-gas in a Coal Fired Power Plant
No-Sang Kwak, Jinkyu Jung, Junghyun Lee, Sung-Chul Han, Jae-Goo Shim, Kyung-MinKim*, and Doh C. Lee*
Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control 135: 104134 (2024)
145. Oligomeric Zinc Thiolates Tethering Multidentate Carboxylates for Nondestructive Aqueous Phase Transfer of Quantum Dots
Jisu Han, Yeongho Choi, Hyeonjun Lee, Doh C. Lee, and Jaehoon Lim*
Small: 2309284 (2024)
144. Polyethylene-derived high-yield carbon material for upcycling plastic
wastes as a high-performance composite filler
Gwanwon Lee, Han Gyeol Jang, Se Youn Cho, Han-Ik Joh, Doh C. Lee, Jaewoo Kim*, and Sungho Lee*
Compos. C: Open Access 13, 100429 (2024)
2023 |
143. Applying Plasmonic Catalyst in CO2 Electrolyzer for Enhancing Energy Efficiency
Phil Woong Kang†, Gui-Min Kim†, Robert Haaring, Jae Won Lee, Sun Seo Jeon, Doh C. Lee*, and Hyunjoo Lee*
ACS Energy Lett. 8, 11, 4941−4948 (2023)
142. Direct Optical Lithography of Colloidal InP-based Quantum Dots with Ligand Pair Treatment
Lee, Jaehwan; Ha, Jaeyeong; Lee, Hyungdoh; Cho, Hyunjin; Lee, Doh; Talapin, Dmitri; Cho, Himchan
ACS Energy Lett. 8, 10, 4210–4217 (2023)
141. Coherent Heteroepitaxial Growth of I-III-VI2 Ag(In,Ga)S2 Colloidal Nanocrystals with Near-unity Quantum Yield for Use in Luminescent Solar Concentrators
Hak June Lee, Seongbin Im, Dongju Jung, Kyuri Kim, Jong Ah Chae, Jaemin Lim, Jeong Woo Park, Doyoon Shin, Kookheon Char, Byeong Guk Jeong, Ji-Sang Park, Euyheon Hwang, Doh C. Lee, Young-Shin Park, Hyung-Jun Song*, Jun Hyuk Chang*, and Wan Ki Bae*
Nat. Commun.14.1: 3779.(2023)
140. Smart Materials with Dual-functionality: Repeatable Damage-detecting and Self-healing
Sungmin Jung, Han Gyeol Jang, Jun Young Jo, Yoon Sang Kim, Doh C. Lee, and Jaewoo Kim*
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 15, 21, 26028–26036 (2023)
139. Direct Assessment of Auger Recombination Rates of Charged Excitons via Opto-Electrical Measurements
Hak June Lee, Seunghyun Rhee, Dongju Jung, Jeong Woo Park, Doyoon Shin, Jaemin Lim, Seongbin Im, Jong Ah Chae, Kookheon Char, Kyoungwon Park, Doh C. Lee,* Young-Shin Park,* and Wan Ki Bae*
ACS Photonics 10, 5, 1638–1648 (2023)
138. Linearly Polarized Emission from CdSe/CdS Core-in-Rod Nanostructures: Effects of Core Position
Hyejeong Jang, Dongju Jung, Wan Ki Bae, Young-Shin Park, and Doh C. Lee*
J. Chem. Phys. 158, 134712 (2023)
137. Polarized emission from unidirectionally oriented semiconductor nanorods in light-emitting devices
Do Joong Shin, Hyejeong Jang, Dahin Kim, Ju Young Woo, Young Kuk Lee, Wan Ki Bae, Jongwook Kim*, Young-Shin Park*, and Doh C. Lee*
Applied Surface Science 614, 156160 (2023)
2022 |
136. Impact of Morphological Inhomogeneity on Excitonic States in Highly Mismatched Alloy ZnSe1−XTeX Nanocrystals
Jun Hyuk Chang, Dongju Jung, Hak June Lee, Doyoon Shin, Youngdu Kim, Donghyo Hahm, Xinbiao Wang, Doh C. Lee, Euyheon Hwang, Young-Shin Park*, and Wan Ki Bae*
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 49, 11464–11472 (2022)
135. Photodynamic treatment of multidrug-resistant bacterial infection using indium phosphide quantum dots
Ilsong Lee, Jieun Moon, Hoomin Lee, Sungjun Koh, Gui-Min Kim, Laure Gauthé, Francesco Stellacci, Yun Suk Huh*, Pilhan Kim* and Doh C. Lee*
Biomater. Sci., 10, 7149 (2022)
134. Pushing the Emission Envelope for Full-Color Realization of Colloidal Semiconductor Core/Shell Nanoplatelets
Da-Eun Yoon, Sangmin Yeo, Hyeonjun Lee, Hyunjin Cho, Nianfang Wang, Gui-Min Kim, Wan Ki Bae, Young Kuk Lee,* Young-Shin Park,* and Doh C. Lee*
Chem. Mater. 34, 20, 9190–9199 (2022) [link]
133. Cadmium-Free Colloidal Branched Nanocrystals with Optical Anisotropy Induced by Symmetry Breaking
Sungjun Koh, Hyeonjun Lee, Ju Young Woo, Wan Ki Bae, Young-Shin Park,* and Doh C. Lee*
J. Phys. Chem. C 126, 40, 17176–17186 (2022) [link]
*Selected as a Journal Cover Paper
132. Direct patterning of colloidal quantum dots with adaptable dual-ligand surface
Donghyo Hahm, Jaemin Lim, Hyeokjun Kim, Jin-Wook Shin, Sungkwon Hwang, Seunghyun Rhee, Jun Hyuk Chang, Jeehye Yang, Chang Hyeok Lim, Hyunwoo Jo, Beomgyu Choi, Nam Sung Cho, Young-Shin Park, Doh C. Lee, Euyheon Hwang, Seungjun Chung, Chan-mo Kang*, Moon Sung Kang*, and Wan Ki Bae*
Nature Nanotechnology 17.9: 952-958. (2022) [link]
131. Efficient, Selective CO2 Photoreduction Enabled by Facet-Resolved Redox-Active Sites on Colloidal CdS Nanosheets
Nianfang Wang, Seokhyeon Cheong, Da-Eun Yoon, Pan Lu, Hyunjoo Lee, Young Kuk Lee*, Young-Shin Park*, and Doh C. Lee*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144, 37, 16974–16983 (2022) [link]
*Selected as a Journal Cover Paper
130. Nondestructive photopatterning of heavy-metal-free quantum dots
Jeehye Yang,Myeongjae Lee,Se Young Park,Myeongjin Park,Jonghoon Kim,Niranjan Sitapure,Donghyo Hahm,Seunghyun Rhee,Daeyeon Lee,Hyunwoo Jo,Yong Hyun Jo,Jaemin Lim,Jungwook Kim,Tae Joo Shin,Doh C. Lee,Kyungwon Kwak,Joseph S. Kwon,BongSoo Kim*,Wan Ki Bae*,Moon Sung Kang*
Adv. Mater. 2205504 (2022) [link]
129. Quantum Dot/Polymer Bulk Heterostructure Interlayer for Enhanced Charge Collection in AgBiS2 Quantum Dot Photovoltaics
Youngsang Park, Hyoin Kim, Daekwon Shin, Taewan Kim, Mahnmin Choi, Jugyoung Kim, Doh C. Lee*, and Sohee Jeong*
Adv. Opt. Mater. 2201086 (2022) [link]
128. Mechano-Responsive Spiropyran Microbeads: A Facile Fabrication Strategy for Self-Reporting Materials
Han Gyeol Jang, Jun Young Jo, Hyungbum Park, Yong Chae Jung, Yong-Seok Choi, Sungmin Jung, Doh C. Lee*, Jaewoo Kim*
Adv. Mater. Technol. 2200566 (2022) [link]
127. Light-Driven Ammonia Production by Azotobacter vinelandii Cultured in Medium Containing Colloidal Quantum Dots
Sungjun Koh, Yoojin Choi, Ilsong Lee, Gui-Min Kim, Jayeong Kim, Young-Shin Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Doh C. Lee*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144, 24, 10798–10808 (2022) [link]
*Selected as a Journal Cover Paper
126. Charge-Selective, Narrow-Gap Indium Arsenide Quantum Dot Layer for Highly Stable and Efficient Organic Photovoltaics
Youngsang Park, Sung Yong Bae, Taewan Kim, Seongmin Park, Jae Taek Oh, Daekwon Shin, Mahnmin Choi, Hyojung Kim, Bora Kim, Doh C. Lee, Jung Hoon Song,* Hyosung Choi,* Sohee Jeong,* and Younghoon Kim*
Adv. Energy Mater. 2104018 (2022). [link]
125. Interface polarization in heterovalent core–shell nanocrystals
Byeong Guk Jeong, Jun Hyuk Chang, Donghyo Hahm, Seunghyun Rhee, Myeongjin Park, Sooho Lee, Youngdu Kim, Doyoon Shin, Jeong Woo Park, Changhee Lee, Doh C. Lee*, Kyoungwon Park, Euyheon Hwang*, and Wan Ki Bae*
Nature Materials 21, 246–252 (2022). [link]
124. Pyrrolic N wrapping strategy to maximize the number of single-atomic Fe-Nx sites for oxygen reduction reaction
Gil-Seong Kang, Jue-Hyuk Jang, Su-Young Son, Youn-Ki Lee, Doh C. Lee, Sung Jong Yoo*, Sungho Lee*, and Han-Ik Joh*
Journal of Power Sources 520, 230904 (2022) [link]
2021 |
123. Steering Interface Dipoles for Bright and Efficient All-Inorganic Quantum Dot Based Light-Emitting Diodes
Seunghyun Rhee, Donghyo Hahm, Hae-Jun Seok, Jun Hyuk Chang, Dongju Jung, Myeongjin Park, Euyheon Hwang, Doh C. Lee, Young-Shin Park*, Han-Ki Kim*, and Wan Ki Bae*
ACS Nano 15, 12, 20332–20340 (2021) [link]
122. Surface state-induced barrierless carrier injection in quantum dot electroluminescent devices
Hyeonjun Lee, Byeong Guk Jeong, Wan Ki Bae, Doh C. Lee*, and Jaehoon Lim*
Nat Commun 12, 5669 (2021) [link]
121. Polarized Electroluminescence Emission in High-Performance Quantum Rod Light-Emitting Diodes via the Langmuir-Blodgett Technique
Seunghyun Rhee, Dongju Jung, Dahin Kim, Doh C. Lee, Changhee Lee,* and Jeongkyun Roh*
Small 17, 2101204 (2021) [link]
*Selected as a Journal Inside Front Cover Paper
120. Radical-Driven Photocatalytic Transformation of Organic Molecules
Minsoo Kim, Gui-Min Kim, Nianfang Wang, and Doh C. Lee*
Korean J. Chem. Eng., 38(7), 1308-1316 (2021). [link]
119. Atomistics of Asymmetric Lateral Growth of Colloidal Zincblende CdSe Nanoplatelets
Da-Eun Yoon, Juho Lee, Hyeonwoo Yeo, Junga Ryou, Young Kuk Lee, Yong-Hoon Kim*, and Doh C. Lee*
Chem. Mater. 33, 12, 4813–4820 (2021) [link]
*Selected as a Journal Cover Paper
118. Fluorescence Switchable Block Copolymer Particles with Doubly Alternate-Layered Nanoparticle Arrays
Taewan Kim, Meng Xu, Young Jun Lee, Kang Hee Ku, Do Joong Shin, Doh C. Lee, Se Gyu Jang, Hongseok Yun*, and Bumjoon J. Kim*
Small: 2101222 (2021) [link]
117. Hot topics in surface science: Quantum dots for optoelectronic applications (HTSS-QDOA)
Ju Young Woo, Whi Dong Kim, Doh C. Lee*
Applied Surface Science Advances 5: 100092 (2021) [link]
116. Kinetic Analysis on Cd-to-Pb and Cd-to-Zn Direct Cation Exchange in CdSe Nanorods
Dongkyu Lee, Ju Young Woo*, Doh C. Lee*
Applied Surface Science Advances 4: 100077 (2021) [link]
115. Metastable Quantum Dot for Photoelectric Devices via Flash-induced One-step Sequential Self-formation
Tae Hong Im, Chul Hee Lee, Jong Chan Kim,Shinho Kim, Mina Kim, Cheol Min Park, Han EolLee, Jung Hwan Park, Min Seok Jang, Doh C. Lee,Sung-Yool Choi, Hee Seung Wang, Hu YoungJeong, Duk Young Jeon*, Keon Jae Lee*
Nano Energy 84 105889 (2021) [link]
114. Recycling of waste tires by synthesizing N-doped carbon-based catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction
Gil-Seong Kang, Gwanwon Lee, Se Youn Cho, Han-Ik Joh, Doh C. Lee*, Sungho Lee*
Appl. Surf. Sci 149027 (2021) [link]
2020 |
113. Fe-based non-noble metal catalysts with dual active sites of nanosized metal carbide and single-atomic species for oxygen reduction reaction
Gil-Seong Kang, Jue-Hyuk Jang, Su-Young Son, Cheol-Ho Lee, Youn-Ki Lee, Doh C. Lee, Sung Jong Yoo, Sungho Lee* and Han-Ik Joh*
J. Mater. Chem. A, 8, 22379-22388 (2020) [link]
112. Softness- and Size-Dependent Packing Symmetries of Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles
Hongseok Yun*, Young Jun Lee, Meng Xu, Doh C. Lee, Gila E. Stein*, and Bumjoon J. Kim*
ACS Nano, 14, 8, 9644–9651 (2020) [link]
111. Efficient Optical Gain in Spherical Quantum Wells Enabled by Engineering Biexciton Interactions
Gabriel Nagamine, Byeong Guk Jeong, Tomas A. C. Ferreira, Jun Hyuk Chang, Kyoungwon Park, Doh C. Lee, Wan Ki Bae, and Lazaro A. Padilha*
ACS Photonics, 7, 8, 2252–2264 (2020) [link]
110. Chemically resistant and thermally stable quantum dots prepared by shell encapsulation with cross-linkable block copolymer ligands
Jaewan Ko, Byeong Guk Jeong, Jun Hyuk Chang, Joonyoung F. Joung, Suk-Young Yoon, Doh C. Lee, Sungnam Park, June Huh, Heesun Yang, Wan Ki Bae*, Se Gyu Jang* and Joona Bang*
NPG Asia Mater., 12, 19 (2020) [link]
109. Surface Ligands as Permeation Barrier in the Growth and Assembly of Anisotropic Semiconductor Nanocrystals
Dahin Kim, and Doh C. Lee*
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 11, 2647-2657 (2020) [link]
*Selected as a Journal Cover Paper
108. Ligands as Universal Molecular Toolkit in Synthesis and Assembly of Semiconductor Nanocrystals
Hyeonjun Lee, Da-Eun Yoon, Sungjun Koh, Moon Sung Kang, Jaehoon Lim*, and Doh C. Lee*
Chem. Sci., 11, 2318-2329 (2020) [link]
107. Edge-enriched graphene with boron and nitrogen co-doping for enhanced oxygen reduction reaction
Gil-Seong Kang, Sungho Lee, Doh C. Lee, Chang Won Yoon, and Han-Ik Joh*
Curr. Appl. Phys., 20, 456–461 (2020) [link]
106. Design of metallic cocatalysts in heterostructured nanoparticles for photocatalytic CO2-to-hydrocarbon conversion
Ilsong Lee, Woo-Jae Kim*, and Doh C Lee*
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 53, 123001 (2020) [link]
105. Photo-Patternable Quantum Dots/Siloxane Composite with LongTerm Stability for Quantum Dot Color Filters
Yun Hyeok Kim, Sungjun Koh, Hyunhwan Lee, Seung-Mo Kang, Doh C. Lee, and Byeong-Soo Bae*
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12 (3), 3961-3968 (2020) [link]
2019 |
104. Selectivity Modulated by Surface Ligands on Cu2O/TiO2 Catalysts for Gas-Phase Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide
Sunil Jeong, Gui-Min Kim, Gil-Seong Kang, Chanyeon Kim, Hyunjoo Lee, Woo-Jae Kim, Young Kuk Lee, Sungho Lee, Hyungjun Kim*, Hyung Kyu Lim*, and Doh C. Lee*
J. Phys. Chem. C, 123 (48), 29184-29191 (2019) [link]
103. Enhanced thermal stability of InP quantum dots coated with Al-doped ZnS shell
Sungjun Koh, Hyeonjun Lee, Taemin Lee, Kyoungwon Park, Woo-Jae Kim*, and Doh C. Lee*
J. Chem. Phys., 151, 144704 (2019) [link]
102. Insight into the superior activity of bridging sulfur-rich amorphous molybdenum sulfide for electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction
Cheol-Ho Lee, Sungho Lee, Gil-Seong Kang, Youn-Ki Lee, Gwan Gyu Park, Doh C. Lee, and Han-Ik Joh*
Appl. Catal. B-Environ., 117995 (2019) [link]
101. Synthesis of InP Nanocrystals Using Triphenyl Phosphite as Phosphorus Source
Dongkyu Lee, Sungjun Koh, Da-Eun Yoon, Sooho Lee, Whi Dong Kim, Dahin Kim, Wan Ki Bae, Jaehoon Lim, and Doh C. Lee*
Korean J. Chem. Eng., 36 (9), 1518-1526 (2019) [link]
100. Direct cation exchange of CdSe nanocrystals into ZnSe enabled by controlled binding between guest cations and organic ligands
Sooho Lee‡, Da-Eun Yoon‡, Dahin Kim, Do Joong Shin, Byeong Guk Jeong, Dongkyu Lee, Jaehoon Lim, Wan Ki Bae, Hyung-Kyu Lim*, and Doh C. Lee* (‡ : equal contribution)
Nanoscale, 11, 15072-15082 (2019) [link]
*2019 Nanoscale HOT Article
99. Revealing the Dependence of Molecular-Level Force Transfer and Distribution on Polymer Cross-Link Density via Mechanophores
Jun Young Jo, Han Gyeol Jang, Yong Chae Jung, Doh C. Lee*, and Jaewoo Kim*
ACS Macro Lett., 8, 882−887 (2019) [link]
98. Pushing the Efficiency Envelope for Semiconductor Nanocrystal-Based Electroluminescence Devices Using Anisotropic Nanocrystals
Whi Dong Kim, Dahin Kim, Da-Eun Yoon, Hyeonjun Lee, Jaehoon Lim*, Wan Ki Bae*, and Doh C. Lee*
Chem. Mater., 31 (9), 3066-3082 (2019) [link] [News Link]
97. Graphene quantum dots with nitrogen and oxygen derived from simultaneous reaction of solvent as exfoliant and dopant
Gil-Seong Kang, Sungho Lee, Jun-Seok Yeo, Eun-Su Choi, Doh C. Lee, Seok-In Na*, and Han-Ik Joh*
Chem. Eng. J., 372, 624-630 (2019) [link]
96. Stacking of Colloidal CdSe Nanoplatelets into Twisted Ribbon Superstructures: Origin of Twisting and Its Implication in Optical Properties
Whi Dong Kim, Da-Eun Yoon, Dahin Kim, Sungjun Koh, Wan Ki Bae*, Weon-Sik Chae*, and Doh C. Lee*
J. Phys. Chem. C, 123 (14), 9445-9453 (2019) [link]
95. Controlling Ion Exchange Balance and Morphology in Cation Exchange from Cu3-xP Nanoplatelets into InP Crystals
Sungjun Koh, Whi Dong Kim, Wan Ki Bae, Young Kuk Lee*, and Doh C. Lee*
Chem. Mater., 31 (6), 1990–2001 (2019) [link]
94. Depletion-Mediated Interfacial Assembly of Semiconductor Nanorods
Dahin Kim, Wan Ki Bae, Shin-Hyun Kim*, and Doh C. Lee*
93. CuFeO2-NiFe2O4 hybrid electrode for lithium-ion batteries with ultra-stable electrochemical performance
Jun Young Cheong, Seokwon Lee, Jiyoung Lee, Haeseong Lim, Su-Ho Cho, Doh C. Lee, and Il-Doo Kim*
RSC Adv., 9, 27257-27263 (2019) [link]
92. Symmetry Transitions of Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles: Grafting Density Effect
Hongseok Yun, Ji Woong Yu, Young Jun Lee, Jin-Seong Kim, Chan Ho Park, Chongyong Nam, Junghun Han, Tae-Young Heo, Soo-Hyung Choi, Doh C. Lee, Won Bo Lee*, Gila E. Stein*, and Bumjoon J. Kim*
Chem. Mater., 31 (14), 5264-5273 (2019) [link]
91. Exceptionally stable quantum dot/siloxane hybrid encapsulation material for white light-emitting diodes with a wide color gamut
Junho Jang, Da-Eun Yoon, Seung-Mo Kang, Yong Ho Kim, Ilsong Lee, Hyunhwan Lee, Yun Hyeok Kim, Doh C. Lee, and Byeong-Soo Bae*
Nanoscale, 11, 14887-14895 (2019) [link]
90. Design Principle for Bright, Robust and Color-Pure InP/ZnSexS1-x/ZnS Heterostructures
Donghyo Hahm, Jun Hyuk Chang, Byeong Guk Jeong, Philip Park, Jaeyoul Kim, Seongjae Lee, Jongha Choi, Whi Dong Kim, Seunghyun Rhee, Jaehoon Lim, Doh C. Lee, Changhee Lee, Kookheon Char*, and Wan Ki Bae*
Chem. Mater., 31 (9), 3476-3484 (2019) [link]
89. Threshold Voltage Control of Multilayered MoS2 Field-Effect Transistors via Octadecyltrichlorosilane and their Applications to Active Matrixed Quantum Dot Displays Driven by Enhancement-Mode Logic Gates
Jeongkyun Roh, Jae Hyeon Ryu, Geun Woo Baek, Heeyoung Jung, Seung Gi Seo, Kunsik An, Byeong Guk Jeong, Doh C. Lee, Byung Hee Hong, Wan Ki Bae, Jong-Ho Lee, Changhee Lee*, and Sung Hun Jin*
Small, 1803852 (2019) [link]
2018 |
88. Molecule-Driven Shape Control of Metal Co-Catalysts for Selective CO2 Conversion Photocatalysis
Hyunjin Cho, Whi Dong Kim, Jiwon Yu, Sangheon Lee, and Doh C. Lee*
ChemCatChem, 10, 1-11 (2018) [link]
87. Energy-Efficient CO2 Hydrogenation with Fast Response Using Photoexcitation of CO2 Adsorbed on Metal Catalysts
Chanyeon Kim, Seokwon Hyeon, Jonghyeok Lee, Whi Dong Kim, Doh C. Lee, Jihan Kim, and Hyunjoo Lee*
Nature Commun., 9, 3027 (2018) [link]
86. Hybrid materials of upcycled Mn3O4 and reduced graphene oxide for a buffer layer in organic solar cells
Cheol-HoLee, Sungho Lee, Jun-Seok Yeo, Gil-Seong Kang, Yong-Jin Noh, Sae-Mi Park, Doh C. Lee, Seok-In Na*; and Han-Ik Joh*
J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 61 (25), 106-111 (2018) [link]
85. Molecular Valves for Colloidal Growth of Nanocrystal Quantum Dots: Effect of Precursor Decomposition and Intermediate Species
Sungjun Koh, and Doh C. Lee*
MRS Commun., 8 (3), 742-753 (2018) [link]
84. Ligand-Asymmetric Janus Quantum Dots for Efficient Blue-Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes
Ikjun Cho, Heeyoung Jung, Byeong Guk Jeong, Donghyo Hahm, Jun Hyuk Chang, Taesoo Lee, Kookheon Char, Doh C. Lee, Jaehoon Lim, Changhee Lee, Jinhan Cho, and Wan Ki Bae*
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10 (26), 22453–22459 (2018) [link]
83. Recombinant Escherichia coli as a biofactory for various single- and multi-element nanomaterials
Yoojin Choi, Tae Jung Park, Doh C. Lee, and Sang Yup Lee*
PNAS, May 21, 201804543 (2018) [link]
82. Understanding the Origin of Formation and Active Sites for Thiomolybdate [Mo3S13]2– Clusters as Hydrogen Evolution Catalyst through the Selective Control of Sulfur Atoms
Cheol-Ho Lee, Sungho Lee, Youn-Ki Lee, Yong Chae Jung, Yong-Il Ko, Doh C. Lee, and Han-Ik Joh*
ACS Catal., 8, pp 5221–5227 (2018) [link]
81. Enhanced Lifetime and Efficiency of Red Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes with Y-Doped ZnO Sol–Gel Electron-Transport Layers by Reducing Excess Electron Injection
Yeonkyung Lee, Byeong Guk Jeong, Heebum Roh, Jeongkyun Roh, Jongseok Han, Doh C. Lee, Wan Ki Bae, Jae-Yup Kim, and Changhee Lee*
Adv. Quantum Technol., 1, 1700006 (2018) [link]
80. Performance Limits of Luminescent Solar Concentrators Tested with Seed/Quantum-Well Quantum Dots in a Selective-Reflector-Based Optical Cavity
Hyung-Jun Song, Byeong Guk Jeong, Jaehoon Lim, Doh C. Lee, Wan Ki Bae, Victor I. Klimov*
Nano Lett., 18 (1), 395–404. (2018) [link]
2017 |
79. Colloidal Dual-Diameter and Core-Position-Controlled Core/Shell Cadmium Chalcogenide Nanorods
Dahin Kim, Young Kuk Lee, Dongkyu Lee, Whi Dong Kim, Wan Ki Bae*, and Doh C. Lee*
ACS nano, 11 (12), 12461–12472 (2017). [link]
78. Nanothermite of Al Nanoparticles and Three-Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous CuO: Mechanistic Insight into Oxidation during Thermite Reaction
Do Joong Shin, Whi Dong Kim, Seokwon Lee and Doh C. Lee*
Combust. Flame, 189, 87-91 (2017). [link]
77. Origin of Shape-Dependent Fluorescence Polarization from CdSe Nanoplatelets
Da-Eun Yoon, Whi Dong Kim, Dahin Kim, Dongkyu Lee, Sungjun Koh, Wan Ki Bae* and Doh C. Lee*
J. Phys. Chem. C, 121(44), 24837-24844 (2017). [link]
76. Selectivity of Photoelectrochemical CO2 Reduction Modulated with Electron Transfer from Size-Tunable Quantized Energy States of CdSe Nanocrystals
Hyunjin Cho, Whi Dong Kim, Kangha Lee, Seokwon Lee, Gil-Seong Kang, Han-Ik Joh and Doh C. Lee*
Appl. Surf. Sci., 429, 2-8 (2017). [link]
75. Expanding Depletion Region via Doping: Zn-Doped Cu2O Buffer Layer in Cu2O Photocathodes for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting
Kangha Lee, Cheol-Ho Lee, Jun Young Cheong, Seokwon Lee, Il-Doo Kim, Han-Ik Joh and Doh C. Lee*
Korean J. Chem. Eng., 1-6 (2017). [link]
74. Highly Stable Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals through in Situ Lead Halide Inorganic Passivation
Ju Young Woo, Youngsik Kim, Jungmin Bae, Tae Gun Kim, Jeong Won Kim, Doh C. Lee* and Sohee Jeong*
Chem. Mater., 29(17), 7088-7092 (2017). [link]
73. Zinc-Phosphorus Complex Working as an Atomic Valve for Colloidal Growth of Monodisperse Indium Phosphide Quantum Dots
Sungjun Koh, Taedaehyeong Eom, Whi Dong Kim, Kangha Lee, Dongkyu Lee, Young Kuk Lee, Hyungjun Kim*, Wan Ki Bae* and Doh C. Lee*
Chem. Mater., 29(15), 6346-6355 (2017). [link]
72. Cu+-Incorporated TiO2 Overlayer on Cu2O Nanowire Photocathodes for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Conversion of CO2 to Methanol
Kangha Lee, Seokwon Lee, Hyunjin Cho, Sunil Jeong, Whi Dong Kim, Sooho Lee and Doh C. Lee*
J. Energy. Chem., 27, 264-270 (2017). [link]
71. Exciton Dynamics in Cation-exchanged CdSe/PbSe Nanorods: The Role of Defects
Sooho Lee, Yimeng Wang, Yawei Liu, Dongkyu Lee, Kangha Lee, Doh C. Lee* and Tianquan Lian*
Chem. Phys. Lett., 683, 342-346 (2017). [link]
70. Highly luminescent silica-coated CdS/CdSe/CdS nanoparticles with strong chemical robustness and excellent thermal stability
Nianfang Wang (+), Sungjun Koh (+), Byeong Guk Jeong, Dongkyu Lee, Whi Dong Kim, Kyoungwon Park, Min Ki Nam, Kangha Lee, Yewon Kim, Baek-Hee Lee, Kangtaek Lee, Wan Ki Bae* and Doh C. Lee* (+ : equal contribution)
Nanotechnology, 28, 185603 (2017). [link]
69. Heat- and Water-Proof Quantum Dot/Siloxane Composite Film: Effect of Quantum Dot-Siloxane Linkage
Hwea Yon Kim, Da-Eun Yoon, Junho Jang, Gwang-Mun Choi, Doh C. Lee, Byeong-Soo Bae*
J. Soc. Inf. Disp., 25(2), 108-116 (2017). [link]
68. Continuous Purification of Colloidal Quantum Dots in Large-Scale Using Porous Electrodes in Flow Channel
Hosub Lim, Ju Young Woo, Doh C. Lee, Jinkee Lee, Sohee Jeong, Duckjong Kim*
Sci. Rep. 7, 43581 (2017). [link]
67. Bi-axial Grown Amorphous MoSx Bridged with Oxygen on r-GO as a Superior Stable and Efficient Nonprecious Catalyst for Hydrogen Evolution
Cheol-Ho Lee, Jin-Mun Yun, Sungho Lee, Seong Mu Jo, KwangSup Eom, Doh C. Lee*, Han-Ik Joh* and Thomas F. Fuller*
Sci. Rep. 7, 41190 (2017). [link]
66. Multi-Functional Dendrimer Ligands for High-Efficiency, Solution-Processed Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes
Ikjun Cho, Hee Young Jung, Byeong Guk Jeong, Jun Hyuk Chang, Kookheon Char, Doh C. Lee, Changhee Lee, Jinhan Cho* and Wan Ki Bae*
ACS Nano, 11, 684-692 (2017). [link]
2016 |
65. Quantum Dot/Siloxane Composite Film Exceptionally Stable against Oxidation under Heat and Moisture
Hwea Yoon Kim, Da-Eun Yoon, Junho Jang, Daewon Lee, Gwang-Mun Choi, Joon Ha Chang, Jeong Yong Lee, Doh C. Lee*, and Byeong-Soo Bae*
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 138, 16478-16485 (2016). [link]
64. Colloidal Spherical Quantum Wells with Near-Unity Photoluminescence Quantum Yield and Suppressed Blinking
Byeong Guk Jeong, Young-Shin Park, Jun Hyuk Chang, Ikjun Cho, Jai Kyeong Kim, Heesuk Kim, Kookheon Char, Jinhan Cho, Victor I. Klimov, Philip Park*, Doh C. Lee*, and Wan Ki Bae*
ACS Nano, 10, 9297-9305 (2016). [link]
* Featured on JACS Perspective
63. Quantum Efficiency of Colloidal Suspensions Containing Quantum Dot/Silica Hybrid Particles
Hyungjoon Jeon, Cheolsang Yoon, Sooho Lee, Doh C. Lee, Kyusoon Shin, Kangtaek Lee*
Nanotechnology, 27, 435702-435709 (2016). [link]
62. Influence of External Pressure on the performance of Quantum Dot Solar Cells
Jaehoon Kim, Byeong Guk Jeong, Heebum Roh, Jiyun Song, Myeongjin Park, Doh C. Lee, Wan Ki Bae* and Changhee Lee*
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8, 23947-23952 (2016). [link]
61. Low-coordinated Surface Atoms of CuPt Alloy Cocatalysts on TiO2 for Enhanced Photocatalytic Conversion of CO2
Sooho Lee, Whi Dong Kim, Sunil Jeong, Seokwon Lee, Kangha Lee, Wan Ki Bae, Jun Hyuk Moon, Sangheon Lee* and Doh C. Lee*
Nanoscale, 8, 10043-10048 (2016). [link]
60. Bi2O3 as a Promoter for Cu/TiO2 Photocatalysts for Selective Conversion of Carbon Dioxide into Methane
Sunil Jeong, Whi Dong Kim, Sooho Lee, Kangha Lee, Seokwon Lee, Dongkyu Lee and Doh C. Lee*
ChemCatChem, 8, 1641–1645 (2016). [link]
59. Role of Surface States in Photocatalysis: Study of Chlorine-Passivated CdSe Nanocrystals for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation
Whi Dong Kim, Ji-Hee Kim, Sooho Lee, Seokwon Lee, Ju Young Woo, Kangha Lee, Weon-Sik Chae, Sohee Jeong, Wan Ki Bae, John A. McGuire, Jun Hyuk Moon, Mun Seok Jeong, and Doh C. Lee*
Chem. Mater., 28, 962-968 (2016). [link]
58. Bilayer Quantum Dot-Decorated Mesoscopic Inverse Opals for High Volumetric Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting Efficiency
Jaemin Lee, Chang Yeol Cho, Doh C. Lee, Jun Hyuk Moon*
RSC Adv., 6, 8756–8762 (2016). [link]
57. Air-Stable PbSe Nanocrystals Passivated by Phosphonic Acids
Ju Young Woo, Sooho Lee, Seokwon Lee, Whi Dong Kim, Kangha Lee, Kyungnam Kim, Hye Jin An, Doh C. Lee*, and Sohee Jeong*
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 138, 876-883 (2016). [link]
56. Minimizing the Fluorescence Quenching Caused by Uncontrolled Aggregation of CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Quantum Dots for Biosensor Applications
Taegyeong Kang, Kiju Um, Jinmo Park, Hochan Chang, Doh C. Lee, Chang-Koo Kim, Kangtaek Lee*
Sens. Actuator B-Chem., 222, 871–878 (2016). [link]
55. Centrifugal loop-mediated isothermal amplification microdevice for rapid, multiplex and colorimetric foodborne pathogen detection
Seung Jun Oh, Byung Hyun Park, Jae Hwan Jung, Goro Choi, Doh C. Lee, Do Hyun Kim and Tae Seok Seo*
Bios. Bioelectron., 75, 293–300 (2016). [link]
54. Divide and Combust: Effect of Morphology of CuO Nanowires on the Combustion Rate of Al Nanoparticle-CuO Nanowire Thermite Composites
Kyuhyeon Lee+, Dahin Kim+, Do Joong Shin, Jinsu Park, Jisu Park, Kangha Lee, Jichang Yoo, Whi Dong Kim* and Doh C. Lee*(+: equal contribution)
Sci. Adv. Mater. 8, 185-189 (2016). [link]
53.Synthesis and Properties of Nitrogen and Iodine Co-functionalized Graphene Oxide and Its Electrochemical Applications
Cheol-Ho Lee, Gil-Seong Kang, Youn-Ki Lee, Sungho Lee, Seong Mu Jo, Sung Jong Yoo, Jong Hyun Jang, Doh C. Lee, Han-Ik Joh*
Sci. Adv. Mater. 8, 28-33 (2016). [link]
2015 |
52. Multi-Color Emitting Block Copolymer-Integrated Graphene Quantum Dots for Colorimetric, Simultaneous Sensing of Temperature, pH, and Metal Ions
Chan Ho Park, Hyunseung Yang, Junhyuk Lee, Han-Hee Cho, Dahin Kim, Doh C. Lee, Bumjoon J. Kim*
Chem. Mater., 27, 5288-5294 (2015). [link]
51. Direct Cd-to-Pb Exchange of CdSe Nanorods into PbSe/CdSe Axial Heterojunction Nanorods
Dongkyu Lee, Whi Dong Kim, Seokwon Lee, Wan Ki Bae*, Sangheon Lee*, and Doh C. Lee*
Chem. Mater., 27 (15), 5295–5304 (2015). [link]
50. Formation of Cu Layer on Al Nanoparticles during Thermite Reaction in Al/CuO Nanoparticle Composites: Investigation of Off-stoichiometry Ratio of Al and CuO Nanoparticles for Maximum Pressure Change
Kyuhyeon Lee+, Dahin Kim+, Jaewon Shim, Sangbum Bae, Do Joong Shin, Benjamin E. Treml, Jichang Yoo, Tobias Hanrath*, Whi Dong Kim* and Doh C. Lee* (+: equal contribution)
Combust. Flame, 162 , 3823-3828 (2015).[link]
49. Controlled Vortex Formation and Facilitated Energy Transfer within Aggregates of Colloidal CdS Nanorods
Whi Dong Kim, Weon-Sik Chae*, Wan Ki Bae*, and Doh C. Lee*
Chem. Mater., 27 (8), 2797–2802 (2015). [link] [News Link]
48. Uniform Decoration of CdS Nanoparticles on TiO2 Inverse Opals for Visible Light Photoelectrochemical Cell
Chang-Yeol Cho, Jaemin Lee, Doh C. Lee, Jun Hyuk Moon*
Electrochemica Acta, 166, 350-355 (2015). [link]
47. Temperature and Magnetic-Field Dependence of Radiative Decay in Colloidal Germanium Quantum Dots
Istvan Robel, Andrew Shabaev, Doh C. Lee, Richard D. Schaller, Jeffrey M. Pietryga, Scott A. Crooker, Alexander L. Efros, Victor I. Klimov*
Nano Lett., 15 (4), 2685–2692 (2015). [link]
46. Self-organization of nanorods into ultra-long range two-dimensional monolayer end-to-end network
Dahin Kim, Whi Dong Kim, Moon Sung Kang, Shin-Hyun Kim*, Doh C. Lee*
Nano Lett., 15, 714-720 (2015). [link]
45. Anisotropic Microparticles Created by Phase Separation of Polymer Blends Confined in Monodisperse Emulsion Drops
Nam Gi Min, Bomi Kim, Tae Yong Lee, Dahin Kim, Doh C. Lee, Shin-Hyun Kim*
Langmuir, 31, 937-943 (2015). [link]
44. An Advanced Centrifugal Microsystem toward High-Throughput Multiplex Colloidal Nanocrystal Synthesis
Byun Hyun Park, Dahin Kim, Jae Hwan Jung, Seung Jun Oh, Doh C. Lee, Taeseok Seo*
Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem., 209, 927-933 (2015). [link]
43. Origin of Photoluminescence from Colloidal Gallium Phosphide Nanocrystals Synthesized via a Hot-injection Method
Sungwoo Kim +, Kangha Lee +, Sejin Kim, O-Pil Kwon, Jin Hyuk Heo, Sang Hyuk Im, Sohee Jeong, Doh C. Lee*, Sang-Wook Kim* (+: equal contribution)
RSC Adv., 5, 2466-2469 (2015). [link]
42. Centrifuge-Based Stepwise Chemical Loading Disc for the Production of Multiplex Anisotropic Metallic Nanoparticles
Byung Hyun Park, Ji Hyun Lee, Jae Hwan Jung, Seung Jun Oh, Doh C. Lee, Tae Seok Seo*
RSC Adv., 5, 1846-1851 (2015). [link]
41. Surface Energy-Driven Growth of Crystalline PbS Octahedra and Dentrites in the Presence of Cyclodextrin-Surfactant Supramolecular Complexes
Pradip Kumar, Whi Dong Kim, Seokwon Lee, Dennis T. Lee, Kangtaek Lee, Doh C. Lee*
J. Nanopart. Res., 17:108 (2015). [link]
2014 |
40. Thin Amorphous TiO2 Shell on CdSe Nanocrystal Quantum Dots Enhances Photocatalysis of Hydrogen Evolution from Water
Sooho Lee+, Kangha Lee+, Whi Dong Kim, Seokwon Lee, Do Joong Shin, Doh C. Lee* (+: equal contribution)
J. Phys. Chem. C, 118, 23627-23634 (2014). [link]
39. Influence of Shell Thickness on the Performance of Light-Emitting Devices Based on CdSe/Zn1-xCdxS Core/Shell Heterostructured Quantum Dots
Jaehoon Lim+, Byeoung Guk Jeong+, Myeongjin Park+, Jai Kyeong Kim, Jeffrey M. Pietryga, Young-Shin Park*, Victor I. Klimov, Changhee Lee*, Doh C. Lee*, Wan Ki Bae* (+: equal contribution)
Adv. Mater., 26, 8034-8040 (2014). [link]
38. Highly-Luminescent Block Copolymer Particles Driven by Thermally-Reduced Graphene Quantum Dot Surfactants
Hyunseung Yang, Dong Jin Kang, Kang Hee Ku, Han-Hee Cho, Chan Ho Park, Junhyuk Lee, Doh C. Lee, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Bumjoon J. Kim*
ACS Macro Lett., 3, 985-990 (2014). [link]
37. Tetrapod CdSe-Sensitized2 Macroporous Inverse Opal Electrodes for Photo-Electrochemical Applications
Chang-Yeol Cho+, Seokwon Lee+, Jaemin Lee, Doh C. Lee*, Jun Hyuk Moon* (+: equal contribution)
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2, 17568-17573 (2014). [link]
36. Restoration of Genuine Electronic Properties of Functionalized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Jo-Eun Um, Chan-Hwa Chung, Doh C. Lee, Pil J. Yoo, Woo-Jae Kim*
RSC Adv., 4, 42930-42935 (2014). [link]
35. Ultra-Stable PbSe Nanocrystal Quantum Dots via In-Situ Formation of Atomically-Thin Halide Adlayers on PbSe(100)
Ju Young Woo, Jae-Hyeon Ko, Jung Hoon Song, Kyungnam Kim, Hyekyoung Choi, Yong-Hyun Kim*, Doh C. Lee*, Sohee Jeong*
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 136, 8883-8886 (2014). [link]
34. Slow colloidal growth of PbSe nanocrystals for facile morphology and size control
Seokwon Lee, Dennis T. Lee, Jae-Hyeon Ko, Woo-Jae Kim, Jin Joo, Sohee Jeong, John A. McGuire, Yong-Hyun Kim*, Doh C. Lee*
RSC Adv., 4, 9842-9850 (2014). [link]
33. Photocorrosion-assisted transformation of metal selenide nanocrystals into crystalline selenium nanowires
Whi Dong Kim, Fabio Baum, Dahin Kim, Kangha Lee, Jun Hyuk Moon, Doh C. Lee*
Cryst. Growth Des., 14, 1258-1263 (2014). [link]
32. Metal tips on pyramid-shaped PbSe/CdSe/CdS heterostructure nanocrystal photocatalysts: study of ripening and core/shell formation
Whi Dong Kim, Sooho Lee, Chaewon Pak, Ju Young Woo, Kangha Lee, Fabio Baum, Jonghan Won, Doh C. Lee*
Chem. Commun., 50, 1719-1921 (2014). [link]
2013 |
31. Thermal conductivity of graphite filled liquid crystal polymer composites and theoretical predictions
Sung Min Ha, Hoing Lae Lee, Sung-Goo Lee, Byoung Gak Kim, Yong Seok Kim, Jong Chan Won, Woo Jin Choi, Doh C. Lee, Jooheon Kim, Youngjae Yoo
Compos. Sci. Technol., 88, 113-119 (2013). [link]
30. Poly(glycidyl methacrylate) grafted CdSe quantum dots by surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization: Novel synthesis, haracterization, properties, and cytotoxicity studies
Long Giang Bach, Md. Rafiqul Islam, Doh Chang Lee, Kwon Taek Lim
Appl. Surf. Sci., 283, 546-553 (2013). [link]
29. High Luminescence Efficiency White Light Emitting Diodes Based on Surface Functionalized Quantum Dots Dispersed in Polymer Matrices
Cheolsang Yoon, Hyun-Guk Hong, Hyun Chang Kim, Daehyun Hwang, Doh C. Lee, Chang-Koo Kim, Young-Joo Kim* and Kangtaek Lee*
Colloid Surf. A, 428, 86-91 (2013). [link]
28. Fabrication of High Quantum Yield Quantum Dot/Polymer Films by Enhancing Dispersion of Quantum Dots Using Silica Particles
Hyun Chang Kim, Hyun-Guk Hong, Cheolsang Yoon, Hoon Choi, Ik-Sung Ahn, Doh C. Lee, Young-Joo Kim, Kangtaek Lee*
J. Colloid Interface Sci., 393, 74-79 (2013). [link]
2012 |
27. Extending the Limit of Low Energy Photocatalysis: Dye Reduction with PbSe/CdSe/CdS Core/Shell/Shell Nanocrystals of Varying Morphologies under Infrared Irradiation
Chaewon Pak, Ju Young Woo, Kangha Lee, Whi Dong Kim, Youngjae Yoo, Doh C. Lee*
J. Phys. Chem. C, 116, 25407-25414 (2012). [link]
26. Highly Effective Surface Passivation of PbSe Quantum Dots through Reaction with Molecular Chlorine
Wan Ki Bae, Jin Joo, Lazaro A. Padilha, Jonghan Won, Doh C. Lee, Qianlu Lin, Weon-Kyu Koh, Hongmei Luo, Victor Klimov, Jeffrey M. Pietryga*
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134, 20160-20168 (2012). [link]
25. Crystalline Transformation of Colloidal Nanoparticles on Graphene Oxide
Chaewon Pak, Doh C. Lee*
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 4, 1021-1029 (2012). [link]
2011 |
24. Spectral Dependence of Nanocrystal Photoionization Probability: The Role of Hot-Carrier Transfer
Lazaro A. Padilha, Istvan Robel, Doh C. Lee, Prashant Nagpal, Jeffrey M. Pietryga, Victor I. Klimov*
ACS Nano, 5, 5045-5055 (2011). [link]
2003 – 2010 |
23. Infrared-Active Nanocrystals with Ultralong Carrier Lifetimes
Doh C. Lee, Istvan Robel, Jeffrey M. Pietryga, Victor I. Klimov*
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132, 9960-9962 (2010). [link]
22. Antiferromagnetic Single Domain L12 FePt3 Nanocrystals
Andrew T. Heitsch, Doh C. Lee, Brian A. Korgel*
J. Phys. Chem. C, 114, 2512-2518 (2010). [link]
21. Colloidal Synthesis of Infrared-Emitting Germanium Nanocrystals
Doh C. Lee, Jeffrey M. Pietryga, Istvan Robel, Donald J. Werder, Richard D. Schaller, Victor I. Klimov*
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 3436-3437 (2009). [link]
20. Rotational and Translational Diffusivities of Germanium Nanowires
Bennett D. Marshall, Virginia A. Davis, Doh C. Lee, Brian A. Korgel*
Rheol. Acta, 48, 589-596 (2009). [link]
19. Young’s Modulus and Size-Dependent Mechanical Quality Factor of Nanoelectromechanical Germanium Nanowire Resonators
Damon A. Smith, Vince Holmberg, Doh C. Lee, Brian A. Korgel*
J. Phys. Chem. C, 112, 10725-10729 (2008). [link]
18. Colloidal magnetic nanocrystals: synthesis, properties and applications
Doh C. Lee, Danielle K. Smith, Andrew T. Heitsch, Brian A. Korgel*
Annu. Rep. Prog. Chem. C, 103, 351-401 (2007). [link]
17. Germanium nanowire transistors with ethylene glycol treated poly(3,4-ethylenedioxy-thiophene) : poly(stylene sulfonate) contacts
Byungwook Yoo, Anath Dodabalapur*, Doh C. Lee, Tobias Hanrath, Brian A. Korgel
Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 072106 (2007). [link]
16. Lamellar twinning in semiconductor nanowires
Forrest M. Davidson, III, Doh C. Lee, Dayne D. Fanfair, Brian A. Korgel*
J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 2929-2935 (2007). [link]
15. Micromagnetic study of single-domain FePt nanocrystals overcoated with silica
Changbae Hyun, Doh C. Lee, Brian A. Korgel, Alex de Lozanne*
Nanotechnology, 18, 055704 (2007). [link]
14. Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Colloidal MnPt3 Nanocrystals
Doh C. Lee, Ali Ghezelbash, Cynthia A. Stowell, Brian A. Korgel*
J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 26906-26911 (2006). [link]
13. Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Silica-Coated FePt Nanocrystals
Doh C. Lee, Frederic V. Mikulec, José M. Pelaez, Bonil Koo, Brian A. Korgel*
J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 11160-11166 (2006). [link]
12. Sintering effect of annealed FePt nanocrystal films observed by MFM
Changbae Hyun, Doh C. Lee, Casey Israel, Brian A. Korgel, Alex de Lozanne*
IEEE Trans. Magn., 42, 3799-3802 (2006). [link]
11. Application of aberration corrected TEM and image simulation to nanoelectronics and nanotechnology
Brian Korgel, Doh C. Lee, Tobias Hanrath, Miguel José Yacaman, Alexander Thesen, Marco Matijevic, Roar Kilaas, Christian Kisielowski, Alain C. Diebold*
IEEE Trans. Semicon. Manufact., 19, 391-396 (2006). [link]
10. Electrochemistry and Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence of Films of Silicon Nanoparticles in Aqueous Solution
Yoonjung Bae, Doh C. Lee, Elena Rogojina, David Jurbergs, Brian A. Korgel, Allen J. Bard*
Nanotechnology, 17, 3791-3797 (2006). [link]
9. Nanocrystal-Mediated Crystallization of Silicon and Germanium Nanowires in Organic Solvents: The Role of Catalysis and Solid-Phase Seeding
Hsing-Yu Tuan, Doh C. Lee, Brian A. Korgel*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 45, 5184-5187 (2006). [link]
8. High Yield Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Synthesis in Supercritical Fluids
Danielle K. Smith, Doh C. Lee, Brian A. Korgel*
Chem. Mater., 18, 3356-3364 (2006). [link]
7. Understanding Imaging of Silicon and Germanium Nanowires through Simulation
Tobias Hanrath, Doh C. Lee, Brian A. Korgel, Alex Thesen, Marco Matijevic, Alain C. Diebold*
Future FAB Int., 20, 130-132 (2006).
6. The Role of Precursor-Decomposition Kinetics in Silicon Nanowire Synthesis in Organic Solvents
Doh C. Lee, Tobias Hanrath, Brian A. Korgel*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 44, 3573-3577 (2005). [link]
5. Metal nanocrystal–seeded synthesis of carbon nanotubes and nanofibers in a supercritical fluid
Doh C. Lee, Brian A. Korgel*
Mol. Simul., 31, 637-642 (2005). [link]
4. Germanium Nanowire Synthesis: An Example of Solid-Phase Seeded Growth with Nickel Nanocrystals
Hsing-Yu Tuan, Doh C. Lee, Tobias Hanrath, Brian A. Korgel*
Chem. Mater., 17, 5705-5711 (2005). [link]
3. Catalytic Solid-Phase Seeding of Silicon Nanowires by Nickel Nanocrystals in Organic Solvents
Hsing-Yu Tuan, Doh C. Lee, Tobias Hanrath, Brian A. Korgel*
Nano Lett., 5, 681-684 (2005). [link]
2. Carbon nanotube synthesis in supercritical toluene
Doh C. Lee, Frederic V. Mikulec, Brian A. Korgel*
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, 4951-4957 (2004). [link]
1. Selective Hydrogenation of 1,3-Butadiene on TiO2-modified Pd/SiO2 Catalysts
Doh Chang Lee, Jae Hyung Kim, Woo Jae Kim, Jung Hwa Kang, Sang Heup Moon*
Appl. Catal. A, 244(1), 83-91 (2003). [link]